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Press Relases Dec. 2, 2005

BP Renews Support for Conservation Program

Calls for New Applicants

WASHINGTON, DC—BP recently announced a new 10-year commitment to its BP Conservation Programme as part of a $500 million community investment. With partners including CI, Birdlife International, Fauna and Flora International and the Wildlife Conservation Society, the BP Conservation Program is making a serious commitment to engaging and encouraging young scientists through a comprehensive system of grants, advice and training.

This announcement was made at the recent award ceremony marking 15 years of environmental achievement with awards of $600,000 to 28 teams working on biodiversity issues in 23 different countries. Projects range widely in scope from the conservation of the Trinidad piping-guan bird to protecting Darevsky’s viper snake in Armenia, to reducing the threats to nesting leatherback turtles in Gabon.

As the program evolves in 2006, BP will build upon its awarding of new grants, with options for previous award winners to apply for a continuation of funding.

In all the three different awards to be offered include:
  • Future Conservationist Awards;
  • Conservation Follow-up Awards for previous award winners; and
  • Conservation Leadership Awards
  • .

The three tiers will allow progression from encouraging and supporting inexperienced teams undertaking small-scale, basic surveying and awareness-raising projects to the stage where teams are engaging in more complex decision-making and developing stronger communication and leadership skills.

The application deadline is Dec. 16, 2005 for all awards, and winners will be announced mid-March 2006. All details, including new guidelines and application forms, are now available on the BP Conservation Programme Web site at

Julian Teixeria


Conservation International’s Center for Environmental Leadership in Business (CELB) provides a new forum for collaboration between the private sector and the environmental community. Created in partnership with Conservation International (CI) and the Ford Motor Company, CELB operates as a division of CI and is governed by a distinct executive board of leaders from the business and environmental communities-engaging the private sector worldwide in creating solutions to critical global environmental problems in which industry plays a defining role. For further information about CELB, please visit


Katrin Olson
[email protected]

 Photo credits for banner image: (Zebras in Botswana) © CI, Chris Brooks