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Our partnership with Toyota focuses on working to restore and protect forests and the species that live within them.

  • In 2007, Toyota and CI entered into an exciting partnership to support efforts to restore and protect more than 4,000 acres of the Philippines’ Peñablanca Protected Landscape and Seascape (PPLS), located in the Northeastern part of one of the nation’s main islands.

    In addition to protecting the forests, local communities will receive additional benefits from agroforestry projects under the three-year agreement. The site was chosen to launch the partnership between CI and Toyota because it will support efforts to link the PPLS with the adjacent Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park. Additionally, the on-the-ground work will demonstrate how forest protection efforts benefit both biodiversity and community development.

    With Toyota providing $1.5 million in funding, the first three-year phase of the project will allow the promotion of forest conservation in the PPLS and demonstrate the compatibility among multiple uses of forests, including biodiversity protection, watershed management, ecosystem services for the benefit of local communities and CO2 offsets. The project is expected to continue for an additional three years after evaluation of the first phase. Read more about this unique partnership.

For more information on Toyota, visit their website.


 Photo credits for banner image: (Zebras in Botswana) © CI, Chris Brooks