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The coastal rainforest of northern Ecuador is part of the Choco-Darien Western Ecuador Hotspot, one of the world's most important areas for biological and cultural diversity. The region is home to an immense wealth of species, many of them found nowhere else in the world, including more than 800 species of birds and such rare mammals as the jaguar and the mantled howler monkey.

Less than two percent of Ecuador's coastal rain forest remains. Deforestation due to logging and agricultural expansion has been fueled by population growth over the last 35 years. Poor forest protection in the area has led to intense fragmentation of habitat and further encroachment on the few remaining intact areas of forest.

Conservation Carbon Project: The Coastal Rainforest, Ecuador
An investment by The Climate Trust will enable CI and Jatun Sacha Foundation, Ecuador's largest environmental organization, to reforest more than 275 hectares of highly degraded pastureland in Ecuador's coastal rainforest. We are now expanding the project to include 19,000 hectares of land capable of sequestering nearly 9.5 million tons of carbon dioxide. more


© CI, Frank Stewart
Anteater, Bilsa Biological Reserve, Ecuador

• The Tumbes-Chocó-Magdalena Hotspot
• The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund on the Choco-Darien Western Ecuador Hotspot

 Photo credits for banner image: (Zebras in Botswana) © CI, Chris Brooks